From ERPXE Wiki
Copy vmlinuz to appropriate directory: (LOWER CASE ONLY!)
cp /mnt/cdrom/vmlinuz /tftpboot/er/plugins/{{{dir}}}/arcade/
We will have to repack the initrd.gz file to contain the SFS file:
Create a temporary folder:
mkdir /tftpboot/temp cd /tftpboot/temp/
Copy initrd.gz from mounted CD to temporary folder:
cp /mnt/cdrom/initrd.gz /tftpboot/temp/
Extract and remove intird.gz file:
zcat /tftpboot/temp/initrd.gz | cpio -i -H newc -d rm initrd.gz
Copy SFS file from mounted CD to temporary folder (LOWER CASE ONLY!!!):
cp /mnt/cdrom/{{{filename}}}.sfs /tftpboot/temp/{{{filename}}}.sfs
Repack the new initrd.gz file:
find | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -4 > /tftpboot/er/plugins/puppy/{{{dir}}}/initrd.gz
Remove temporary folder:
rm -R /tftpboot/temp/